Opening Statement

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Reference to the privacy policy

The Discover Jobs Today website Privacy Policy is available here. By accessing the website, you agree that you have read and understood the policy and are bound by the site Privacy Policy. It is hereby incorporated into these Terms and conditions. The site is hosted in the United States of America. Discover Jobs Today does not with actual knowledge accept, request, or solicit information from children or knowingly market to children. Therefore, in accordance with the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), if we receive actual knowledge that anyone under the age of 13 has provided personal information to us, without a verifiable parental consent, we will delete that information from the site within a timeframe that is technically reasonable.  

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This website ( is intended to provide free content related to saving money on your education and finding the information about online education in exchange for advertisements. No other commercial or personal activity or is conducted by the website.  

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Restricted information types: No financial information is crossing the website

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Children’s Privacy: not designed for use by children.

In operating Discover Jobs Today, we are required to comply with The Federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), a U.S. federal law designed to protect children under the age of 13. In operating this website, Discover Jobs Today does not intentionally collect information from children under the age of 13. If Discover Jobs Today becomes aware that this information has been collected through Discover Jobs Today, the information will be deleted.  

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Termination clause: Sole discretion for user removal for any reason

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The Discover Jobs Today website is intended for general audiences accessing the content from United States. It is expected that use of the website is in accordance with the laws of the United States. If you are accessing the Discover Jobs Today website from outside of the United States, you are solely responsible for adherence to laws and other regulatory requirements of the relevant jurisdiction. We are not responsible for any possible conflict with laws of other jurisdictions, and we ask you to please stop using our website.